Legislator Kevin Hardwick’s Statement on Dyngus Day Mask Burning Event Supported by the Erie County Comptroller

“Like most people, I had hoped that we would be done with the pandemic by now. Sadly, we are not. People are still dying and last week the Erie County Department of Health reported 3,182 new Covid cases, the most since mid-January.

I was shocked, therefore, to watch our County Comptroller yesterday encourage people to attend a mask-burning fundraising event in a crowded parking lot.

As sworn officials, public health is ALL of our responsibility – and the most pressing public health threat of our lifetimes thus far is COVID-19.

For anyone in such an office to ignore science and facts as the Comptroller has done repeatedly is a legitimate travesty. The Comptroller’s office should be focused on mitigating the financial effects of the pandemic and advocating measures to curtail the spread of Covid.

Instead the office has allied itself with the virus and against the health and welfare of Erie County citizens. We deserve better from that office. I intend to see that we get it.”

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